The Procedure


The valve is delivered through a flexible, 18 French sheath, which ensures excellent trackability and minimizes vascular complications. The 18 French sheath is used for all valve sizes.


The valve is deployed using saline/contrast pressurized to 12 atmospheres, which is delivered to the rings through hollow positioning wires. Following initial expansion, the valve remains fully competent throughout the procedure.


Once the valve is fully deployed in the annulus, a complete assessment of hemodynamic performance can be performed.


By de-pressurizing either ring using a standard endoflator, the valve can be repositioned by manipulating the positioning wires. Repositioning and full hemodynamic assessment can be performed repeatedly if necessary.


When the valve is optimally placed, saline/contrast is easily exchanged via the positioning wires for a quick-curing polymer that forms the permanent structure. During polymer transfer, pressure within the valve is constant and position of the valve is maintained. The positioning wires are then disconnected